Apparently the Olympic Committee hasn't evolved into this century - or the last one for that matter, and would rather see women walking three metaphorical steps behind their male counterparts in one of the most exciting and difficult of all winter sports. Ski Jumping is the only Olympic Sport which doesn't allow women to participate. (Click here to read the Time Mag article.)
The wretched irony? Lindsey has jumped on that very same track in Vancouver that the men will be launching from this week - and she holds the world record for the longest jump from it for both men and women. Ever. The committee's stated reason for the only case of exclusion of women in any olympic sport? "Not enough widespread support for it." Hmm. Please see: "curling," "2 man luge" and "skeleton..." I've seen both curling and ski jumping up close, I would liken the two experiences to: Going to the grocery store with your elderly grandmother versus snorkeling with schools of fish and baby sharks in Turks and Caicos.
I'm no sports fan, but you have to wonder why such a supposedly prestigious institution would intentionally bring this PR nightmare upon themselves, year after year. It's truly inexcusable that half of this event, (one of the few actually exciting ones if you ask me,) is being kept from the public. Ski Jumping is the original extreme sport - and no offense to you snowboarders, but it requires a much larger pair to launch off a 120 meter ramp at 80 mph than it does to ride a halfpipe. If you're looking for a weekend escape from the city, check out the schedule at Lake Placid, it's amazing to witness.
I'd say "It's criminal," but last time I checked, sexual discrimination is actually illegal in most of the civilized world. So I'll just leave it at "It's pathetic."
1 comment:
I heard about this! It's totally wacky that they cling to antiquated notions of "sport" while excluding women from participating in something as awesome as ski jumping. Epic FAIL.
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