Friday, October 2, 2009

Why do I only post in Nevada?

In a twist of meta-irony not lost on me, I was approached by security while shooting this sunset shot on the top floor of a Vegas parking garage. "You can't be taking pictures of that from up here... Since 9/11, we're a lot more careful."

Apparently the fake New York is just as much of a "target" as the real New York. My retort about being from New York and how I am able to take pictures there freely was not met with the anticipated chuckle, but in stead a blank stare. At least he didn't ask me for my memory card, I guess.

It was my intention to keep this as a travel blog, but due to the pace of travel lately and the fact that almost everything I'm shooting is for publication and thus cannot be published here, it's been challenging. That aside, I'm stepping it up and starting to post on the regular: behind the scenes, motion picture work, interviews with subjects and other photogs / filmmakers, other cool stuff, so check back often...

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